From: Dr.Good-luck Jonathan <>
Date: 2012/2/9
Subject: From President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria+

Dear Sir,The desperate situation concerning unpaid contract funds have led to an uproar by some Americans at the America Embassy in Nigeria, with such details published in some of the Nigeria Dailies. I have met with international community’s concerning this pressing problem and we have had an agreement with the Italian Minister of Finance to release your contract funds from the Federal Government reserve held in the Central Bank of Italy. Owing to these facts, I instructed the Central Bank of Nigeria Governor to submit to my office contractors list whose payments have been inaccessible for more than two year.

I have been briefed by our financial consultant that the banks in Nigeria will never be able to make direct transfer to contractor abroad because of banks executive financial gains and selfishness. It is alarming to note that funds that have been approved long time ago for payments are used by bank executive for private businesses. As a result of this, I have ordered that you will be paid by the Central Bank of Italy from the federal government reserve account.

We have also reviewed documents from various banks and noted that huge sums of monies have been collected from contractors for payment of manipulated fees by these bank executives. On that note, I want to inform you that whatever fee demanded from any office in Nigeria or Bank is not legal and should never be adhered to following my recent findings on a lot of unexposed dealings by bankers, ministry workers, including the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation. At this juncture, I advise you stop any communication with banks, NNPC, DEBT MANAGEMENT OFFICE, FEDERAL MINISTRY OF FINANCE, SECURITY COMPANIES or any department of the government of Nigeria as I have ordered your payment from the Central Bank of Italy. The only modality that I have put in place to aid your payment, would be for you to travel to Italy with your original copies of Contract award certificate and job completion certificate where you will be met at your arrival by Italian Government fiduciaries agent that will take you straight into central bank of Italy to sign the release order from the office of the Governor of Central Bank and your funds will be released to your account immediately without having to go through unprecedented procedures.

My reelection as president of the Federal republic of Nigeria is to bring to our people a true sense of honor. The government of America has shown tremendous support for my candidature with an agreement for me to reform the country with our rich oil wealth. I am also very sure that contractors who get paid under my supervision will add a spice to my campaign organization worldwide by telling the world about my actions and intentions to move Nigeria Forward.

I implore everyone of you who have made Nigeria great by executing one contract or the other in our oil sector, educational sector and all sectors of the economy will be paid on confirmation to me that you would be able to travel to Italy where you will be taken to the central bank of Italy by the Ministry of Finance fiduciary agent Mr. Alberto Rossi in Italy.

Once I hear from you, I will give you a signed document from my office that will empower your payment from the Central Bank of Italy.

Kindly help us to serve you better and make Nigeria a better place for your business.

Yours Truly,
Dr.Good-luck Jonathan.
President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

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Bret Boteler
10 Jahre zuvor

Have you ever had any dealings with Mr. Rossi? I am planning on meeting him later this month in Italy.

Bret Boteler
10 Jahre zuvor

Hallo, ich bin Amerikaner und kein Deutsch verstehen, so bin ich mit einem Online-Übersetzer . Ich habe Alberto Rossi am Telefon gesprochen und er scheint legitim. Haben Sie mit ihm zu tun hatten ?